概述用于各種輕薄料生產及生活用廢鋼,輕金屬結構件,各種塑性有色金屬(不銹鋼,鋁合金,銅材等)的壓縮打包和剪切或者對上述廢料直接擠壓剪切。 該設備主要可以用來:預壓縮并剪切廢料。剪切鋼筋型鋼。打包輕薄料。壓縮、剪切汽車車體。 For production and life of a variety of thin materials with scrap steel, light metal structural。parts, packaging and cut all kinds of plastic non-ferrous metal (stainless steel, aluminum,copper, etc.) compression or direct extrusion shear on the above waste. The device can be used to Pre-compressio a d shear waste Shear of rei forced steel Packaged thin material Compression, shearing the car body技術參數Technical Specifications |
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地 址:江蘇省江陰市云亭工業園區沈那巷7號